Frank Gancarz
CATEGORY: Administrator
Frank Gancarz was something of an anchor for the Connecticut WL community. He was active in the Hartford area in his youth, playing briefly for a semi-pro football team and entering some physique contests before his bodyweight started to rise. He graduated college and eventually headed the Computer Center at University of CT (Storrs). South of Storrs is the old mill town of Willimantic. Here Frank established a long-running WL meet, the Willimantic Open. He collected antiques and taught himself to play violin, but lifting was his great passion. It is said he knew all the World Records by heart, and knew as soon as one had been broken. Arm wrestling, spike bending and other strength-related activities also drew his interest. Frank was famous for the post-competition parties he hosted at his apartment, which was above a popular pizza parlor. He was a coach and mentor to many New England lifters.