Edward O. Goyette

Ed Goyette, of Dedham, MA competed for the Boston YMCU (Young Men’s Christian Union) primarily in 123 Lbs. Class. He was active as a New England lifter from 1940 through 1956. Was Junior New England Champion in 1941 in 132 Lbs. Class, having come in 2nd in his first New England Championships meet the previous year. He competed in four National Championships, placing 2nd in 1947, 3rd in 1949 and 2nd again, 1954. In 1948 he was National Junior Champion. [This record suggests his career, like so many others, was disrupted by service in World War 2. –Editor] At 1954 Senior Nationals, Goyette exceeded the National Record Clean & Jerk with a lift of 256 1/2 lbs. but was found to be 1/4 pound over the Bodyweight Class limit after the attempt. (Back in those days, if you exceeded a record you were weighed after the lift, in addition to having been checked before the competition, and had to still “make weight,” a challenge many of today’s athletes would have a problem with!) Ed Goyette was New England Champion at 123 Lbs. from the late ‘40s to end of his career and held the N.E. Records in Press, Snatch and C&J.